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The Line tool is used to draw lines. Lines are the most basic objects in a drawing. They can be used to connect alternating pairs of points (single segment) or connect a series of points (multi-segment). All line segments drawn will be part of the same multi-segment line entity until the line definition is finished by tapping the Done button in the bottom app bar, hitting the Enter or Esc keys on your keyboard, selecting a new layer, or selecting a new tool. The line definition can also be finished with a mouse double-click at the final point.

The Line tool can also be used to draw "filleted" lines (multi-segment lines with round corners). Each corner of the filleted line will be drawn with the radius specified in the Fillet radius option as long as the fillet fits within the line segment. If the filleted line is closed, the closing corner will not be filleted. If you need to draw a closed figure with fillets at all corners, draw an unfilled polygon using the Polygon tool.

Freehand (or sketch) lines can be drawn by selecting the Freehand construct option.

The options described below can be found in the bottom app bar or in the control panel.

The Layer option selects the layer on which new objects are created. Selecting a layer also selects the default color, line type, and line thickness used to draw the object. These properties can be overridden using the Properties tool. Layers are also used to logically group objects within the drawing. Layers can be created, modified, and hidden in the Layer definitions settings panel.
The Construct option determines how the points that you enter are used to define the object being created. In this case there are two ways to create a line:
Single segment
Lines are drawn between alternating pairs of points. Individual line segments will be drawn from the first point to the second. The result will be a multi-segment line with alternating line and gap segments.
Multi-segment lines are drawn connecting each point entered until the line definition is ended.
Multi-segment lines with filleted (round) corners are drawn connecting each point entered until the line definition is ended. The fillet radius is specified by tapping the Fillet radius button.
Lines are drawn continuously while the left mouse button or stylus is depressed. When using touch, lines are drawn continuously while your finger is in contact with the screen.
The Fillet radius option allows you to specify the radius for the round corners of filleted lines. The radius value is specified in model (real world) units when working in a scaled drawing. This option is only available when the "Fillet" construction option is selected.
The Edit Last option gives you an opportunity to modify the points used to define the last object created without leaving the current tool. This can be especially useful when using touch input because touch is an inherently imprecise way to locate points. You can use the arrow keys on the keyboard or control panel to fine-tune the location of each point. When you finish editing the object (by deselecting it) you will return to the current tool.
The Done option ends the definition of the current line and lets you start a new one.