The Export tool converts your drawing to another format so that it can be viewed or reused by another app. When selected, the tool displays the standard Windows "save file picker" which allows you to select the name, location, and format of the exported file. As of version 2.2, Back to the Drawing Board supports five standard export formats (PDF, SVG, PNG, JPEG and DXF).
The Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) is an open standard for electronic document exchange maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). PDF documents created by Back to the Drawing Board are true "vector" images that can be scaled to any size with no loss of quality. Use this format to export your drawing for use most applications and browsers.
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a standard vector image format that was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). SVG is supported by all modern browsers. You can use the SVG export format to display high-quality graphic images in web pages. Since Back to the Drawing Board exports SVG data at full paper size, the resulting SVG information can be imported by some applications as an alternative to DXF.
PNG and JPEG are standard image formats that can be used in virtually any graphic appliction including web browsers and email programs. These formats are well suited for exchanging drawing data over email, displaying images on web pages, including in Word documents, Powerpoint presentations, or just about any application that supports images of any kind. The main downside to using PNG or JPEG images is that they are "lossy" formats. Unlike SVG, PNG and JPEG images degrade when they are resized.
The AutoCAD DXF format is used to interchange drawing data between CAD applications. Use this format to export your drawing for use in these applications. For more information about DXF interoperability, see Importing and Exporting DXF Files.