The Print tool shows the standard Windows Print Dialog.
This has the same effect as selecting "Print" from the "Devices charm" on the right edge of the screen.
From the Print dialog you can select the desired paper size, orientation, and number of pages to print.
You can also choose one of the following scale options:
- Print full size (clipped)
The drawing is printed at its intended scale.
If the drawing's paper size is larger than the printable area of the printer page,
the rightmost and lower portiions of the drawing will be clipped as necessary.
- Tile drawing at full size
The drawing is printed at its intended scale.
If the drawing's paper size is larger than the printable area of a single printer page,
the drawing will be "tiled," printing additional pages as needed to show the entire drawing.
These pages can be trimmed and assembled to show the entire drawing at full scale.
- Fit drawing to page
The entire drawing is printed on a single page.
If the drawing's paper size is larger than the printable area of the printer page,
the scale of the drawing will be reduced as needed to fit the page.
If you need to print to a device that is not connected to your computer (a large-format printer at a printing service for example),
you can print to a file using an intermediate format such as Microsoft XPS Document Writer.
Another option would be to export your drawing to PDF or SVG and print from the exported file.